The Week Ahead (24- 28 October 2016)

The Week Ahead (24- 28 October 2016)
In our pursuit to making rights real, we bring to you our plans and activities for the week. This is done, in so that the public, media and our partners are always aware of our cases and advocacy activities. We hope that this is not only informative but encourages everyone to contribute towards our goal, which is making rights real.
24 October 2016
The Land and Housing programme will be in Grootkraal at the Cape Town High Court to argue the the matter of a community, which is using a small portion of a farm as a school and also for other community activities (like dominoes and sing song evenings). The farm is just outside Oudtshoorn. The land owner brought an application to evict them, LHR will ask the court to develop a common law and recognise that the community established a servitude through using this portion for 140 years.
Our Refugee and Migrants Rights programme (RMRP) in Durban will be meeting with the provincial Department of Social Development (DSD) to discuss the issue of separated and unaccompanied children referred to DSD by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) for children court enquires.
25 October 2016
Land and Housing programme will make a semi urgent application at the North Gauteng High Court regarding a dispute over land. Our clients claim to have purchased the farm in Wynaandskraal a long time ago, however, the local traditional leader is selling stands on this land. Highlights of this case will be shared on our Twitter handle: @LHR_SA   and our Facebook Page: Lawyers for Human rights.
The Refugee and Migrants rights programme (RMRP) in Limpopo will be hosting a meeting with its partner, the Elim Peacebuilding Team (which includes the Makhado Municipality), this meeting will be hosted at the Community Hall Boardroom in Elim Town. The main aim of this meeting is to discuss strategies around peace building and social cohesion.
RMRP in Durban is meeting the provincial civic Home Affairs to discuss issues of birth certificates, registration of marriages etc.
26   October 2016
LHR statelessness project will be attending the 10th Anniversary Africa Regional Chapter Conference from the 26-28 October 2016. This conference is organised by the International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ). On Thursday the 27 of October 2016, the statelessness project manager, Liesl Muller will be chairing a session at this conference focusing on statelessness. This session is expected to be attended by Judges from all over Africa will be attending to deepen their knowledge on refugee law and statelessness. Highlights of this meeting will be shared on our Twitter handle: @LHR_SA   and our Facebook Page: Lawyers for Human Rights.
27 October 2016
Land and Housing programme will for the first time, meet with City of Tshwane to discuss possible the long term solutions for Schubartpark.
28 October 2016
The Hate Crimes Working Group, chaired by LHR, will be convening its advocacy subgroup to discuss the way forward now that the Cabinet has approved the Hate Crimes Bill for public comment. Highlights of this meeting will be shared on our Twitter handle: @LHR_SA   and our Facebook Page: Lawyers for Human Rights.
Closing remarks:
Support our Campaign for the Department of Home Affairs to #SaySorry4 the collapse of South Africa’s refugee system 
Sign our petition here: